Welcome to my new home. I’m so glad you stopped by!
I would love for you to stay awhile.
Run and Not Grow Weary is an ongoing journey into the rawest places of my soul, where I will always be seeking hope, healing, and the encouraging breath of God and His Spirit.
My story, although unique, is probably just like yours. Each of us has a past heavy with baggage that our knuckles are tired of clenching, a present begging to be breathed in joy, and a future waiting to be embraced. We also have a God who forgives, directs, and empowers. I am here to share with you His unlimited grace and His blessed hope as I continue to experience it.
Through His word, my marriage, my children, my passion for running, and my love of all things culinary, I learn the most about God and about myself. I will be humbly offering my personal insights through this journey, and my prayer is that as I dig deep into my heart, you will be encouraged to dig into your own. Don’t grow weary in doing so, because Christ and the Holy Spirit will be meeting us there.